Stella tells me that libraries in Zambia receive very little funding as the government fails to make them a priority. When I asked her what does the government make a priority she gave me a simple smile but no reply. Change of subject.

The library is a circulating collection and Stella tells me that the residents of Lusaka do check out books for pleasure reading. The problem is that many of the books are not returned and when the overdue notices are mailed out they often come back, stamped addressee no longer at residence.
The Lusaka Public Library does have a children's library. It is a room with a large open space in the center, about ten small chairs for the children, book carts holdings picture books and textbooks, as well as a work station and newer materials kept on shelves behind the staff member.
Stella tells me that children are dropped off by their parents, especially during
also stresses that this is not a residential area and that the two library branches in the suburbs have more expansive children's collections. By Western standards, the children's library would not be recognizable as such. But I have also visited countries where the concept of childrens' libraries with picture books is non-existent.

Gladys Lilanda, sister cataloger, Lusaka Public Library.
Hi. I was searching for library pics in Lusaka and was wondering if you could allow me to use one of your pics of Lusaka Public Library for our website, pgzambia.com? My email address is ray@pgzambia.com . Please let em know once you get this message. Thanks
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